Join our team

The FRISSBE ERA Chair team consists of the ERA Chair holder, three senior researchers, a Professional Research Associate, two Research assistants and two PhD Students.

If you are keen to join the team, we are inviting you to follow our open and planned employment offers. 


We are always looking for talented individuals to join our team and contribute to our exciting projects. You can express interest using the link below if the current open positions don’t suit your expectations. Based on your responses, we will explore how you can best fit into our team in the near future. 




Post-Doctoral Researcher

Senior Researcher 

3x Post-Doctoral Researcher

Research Assistant

2x Post-Doctoral Researcher

PhD Student (.pdf)

Post-Doctoral Researcher (.pdf)

PhD Student (.pdf)

Post-Doctoral Researcher (.pdf)

PhD Student (.pdf)

ERA Chair holder employment offer (.pdf)

Senior researchers employment offer 2021 (.pdf)

Post-Doctoral researcher employment offer 2022 (.pdf)