
Interns Visit Knauf Insulation Facilities in Škofja Loka

Jul 31, 2024

On July 30, our interns Sameed Khan, Liliana Martinez, Akash Jyothivas, and El Ghalia Serghini from the International Masters of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (IMFSE), along with Julian Cappeau from ENSIACET, Toulouse, have visited the R&D facilities of Knauf Insulation (KI) in Škofja Loka, Slovenia. This valuable opportunity was facilitated by Dr Amaya Osacar, who warmly welcomed the group. The interns were accompanied throughout their visit by Rok Karmuzel from KI's team.

The day's schedule began with an arrival and coffee session, followed by a presentation on Knauf Insulation by Rok Karmuzel. The presentation provided an overview of KI's activities and innovations in the field of insulation. Subsequently, the interns were given a tour of the Knauf Insulation Experience Center (KIEX), a demonstration building dedicated to educational, training, and business activities.

After the KIEX tour, the interns prepared for a plant tour led by Metod Bonča. During the tour, they visited the factory, which produces rock wool insulations. The facility is the largest rock wool production site in the Knauf Group and the first to implement advanced innovative production technology, replacing environmentally harmful coke with cleaner gas.

The visit concluded with a presentation in the laboratory by Rok Novak. He provided insights into the materials laboratory and KI's rigorous testing and development processes for their products. The interns learned about the high standards of quality and performance that KI adheres to, leaving a strong impression on them.